Goodbye, world.

These are the last 4 hours of contact I will have for forty days. I am making final phone calls and saying my goodbyes. Check back tomorrow, and every day (except Sundays) for the next 40 days, for (hopefully) 5 minutes of music daily.

I am feeling nervously excited. I feel confident and positive, but somewhat timid, aware that this could change dramatically. Please keep sending comments, be they encouragement, criticism or otherwise. I cannot receive them during my hermitage, but I look forward to a huge stack when I emerge. If you would prefer your communication to be private you can email me at:

That’s all for now!

Goodbye, world.

5 Responses to “Goodbye, world.”

  1. khalil Says:

    not sure if I will catch the last post for 40 days, but just to say that we are thinking of you and wishing you well. We are never alone, it just seems that way sometimes. Love and Peace. K

  2. Alice Says:

    good luck yas!!!!!!
    i’ll be keeping an eye on you from over here πŸ™‚
    all my love and best wishes xxxxxxxx

  3. Richard Says:

    Into the madness dear friend! Good luck! x

  4. Tasneem Says:

    Good luck! Will be thinking of you.

  5. Winter Family Says:

    Salaams Yaseen,

    soo impressed with this project, and you looked soo sane before:) lol

    We will be following, and looking forward to who, and what comes out the other side. Pray that you find more than music in your solitude πŸ™‚

    You are one cool dude!

    Big hug from all of us especially the girls and TAriq!

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